Slider Options


Slider Options

    1. California Gold Text on Berkeley Blue Background (image size: 820×450, text block: 420×450)
    2. White Text on Berkeley Blue Background
    3. Black Text on Founder’s Rock Background
    4. Berkeley Blue Text on California Gold Background
    5. Black Text on California Gold Background
    6. Black Text on Medalist Background
    7. Black Text on Soybean Background
    8. Full-sized image (1240×450)

Image Size

Recommended Image size: 1240×450 (if no text block to the right) or 820×450 (if there is text block to the right)

There are four settings. For the full-sized images: the sizes are:

  1. Desktop: 1240×450
  2. Notebook: 1024×450
  3. Tablet: 778×420
  4. Mobile: 480×420

Note: image/video sized listed above are for desktop browser only; for mobile devices, images/videos will be adjusted and would be cropped variously to fit different platforms.


Note: Color Presets